
Apollinaire has a range of e-modules that address many aspects of the coach's teaching skills. Although these are generic, many include a number of videos from different sports and all regularly encouraged coaches to apply ideas to their own sport and their own specific coaching context.

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Apollinaire’s web-based coaching programme will help coaches to develop their how-to-coach skills (their teaching or pedagogical skills rather than their sport specific technical skills).  It is particularly relevant to those just starting out in coaching (level 1) and those with some experience wishing to hone their skills further (Level 2).

          How to build rapport addresses the all-important skill of building effective relationships with participants, other coaches, parents, officials and all involved in the coaching environment.

         How to explain examines the principles underpinning the ability to keep instructions simple and clear.

         How to organise and be organised looks at the essential skills needed to make sessions run efficiently and effectively.

         How to keep it safe considers the key factors to consider when planning and delivering sessions to ensure participants are safe and reduce the likelihood of injury.

         How to keep it fun is a crucial skill for coaches for unless sport is fun and purposeful, people will  not continue, learn new skills or achieve their potential.

         How to provide a demonstration helps coaches consider the principles that underpin the use of visual models to provide a picture of what the skill or practice should look like.

         How to plan and prepare a coaching session  guides coaches on what and how to think about before the session to ensure it runs effectively and participants learn and have fun.

         How to evaluate your coaching enables coaches to learn how to review the effectiveness of their session and reflect on their own coaching skills.

         How to observe addresses the crucial coaching skill of being able to observe accurately and in great detail.

         How to analyse and make decisions looks are the cognitive skills of what coaches do with their observations in order to make effective decisions about appropriate actions to take.

         How to generate and provide feedback helps coaches learn how, when and why to give participants feedback so that it makes a real difference.

         How to help them learn examines the principles that accelerate learning such as how to create a positive and supportive climate, how to be learner-centred and balance success with challenge .

         How to teach skills  reviews how to structure sessions to cater for people at different stages of learning and design practices to ensure long term learning rather than a quick fix change in performance.

         How to question and listen helps coaches to develop these fundamental skills that ensure participant engagement that leads to learning.

         How to set and negotiate goals addresses when, how and why to set process and outcome goals that motivate, provide direction and build confidence in participants.

         How to display and promote high values helps coaches to examine this difficult area where they are able to do much more to develop people and their values than simply  to teach them sport skills.

         How to select and use coaching strategies considers a range of strategies from coach to participant centred and explores when, how and why each might be used effectively.

         How to manage unacceptable behaviours offers suggestions and approaches that enable coaches to handle potentially disruptive behaviours in a way that maintains a positive learning climate for all participants.

         How to coach children provides some guidance on how children differ from adults and indeed from each other and the sort of adaptation coaches therefore need to make to their practice.

If you would like to lean more about these e-modules click here

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